Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Interview Questions Post #6 Interview Questions

An employee of Family Court is the person I've chosen to interview. I've known her for
21 years and know her personally quite will. However, because of the sensitive issues covered in her job she does not share. I'm trying to cut a bit into her wall of reserve in this interview.

I know that Pat took this position more than 10 years ago in an effort to protect women and children. This job then was more of a 'calling' and Pat knew that her
emotions would be tested.

A sample of questions follows:

a. When there is a 'high profile' case (making the newspapers)does the court
handle it differently? Do these petitioners or respondents react differently
than the general population?
b. Do alot of petitioners fill petitions for support, visitation, custody, etc.
constantly in order to harrass the respondent?
c. Has New York State been successful in its efforts to enforce child support orders?
d. Has New York State worked with the law enforcement to ensure safety when an Order
of Procection has been obtained.
e. How do you handle it when you feel the person seeking a petition is downright
f. What are your best days in court. Do you ever leave with a smile on your face?
g. What are the worst days.... what are the triggers that set you off.
h. I know that you carry a weapon. Have you ever shot anyone... or was it enough
to show that your are carrying.
i. Have you succeeded in your initial goal to help women and children? What is
different in the ethnic population that you serve from a decade ago? And how
does the court help the new populations?
j. When you look in a mirror are you happy with the person there. Has she fulfilled
her own personal dreams? Or is there more work to do?
k. How do you unwind..... can you unwind?

1 comment:

  1. Looks great - you're definatley ready to do the interview if you haven't already . . .
